Umbrella cockatoo for sale
Umbrella Cockatoos for Sale The Umbrella Cockatoo (Cacatua alba) is one of the large species of cockatoos. Buy Umbrella Cockatoo is around 46 cm (18 in) long and weighs about 400 g (14 oz) for small females and up to 800 g (28 oz) for big males. The male white cockatoo usually has a broader head and a bigger beak than the female. They have brown or black eyes and a dark grey beak. When mature some female white cockatoos can have reddish/brown irises, while the irises of the adult male are dark brown or black. The feathers of the white cockatoo are mostly white. However, both upper and lower surfaces of the inner half of the trailing edge of the large wing feathers are a yellow color. The yellow color on the underside of the wings is most notable. This is because the yellow portion of the upper surface of the feather is covered. It is covered by the white of the feather immediately medial (nearer to the body) and above. Buy Umbrella Cockatoo Online. Similarly, areas o...